vendredi 8 juillet 2011

Une petite pause, et la soirée au softbar.

I needed a break yesterday, so that's exactly what I did. I skipped dinner, took a shower, and went to bed. Ahh, sleep is a beautiful thing. I also took a break from writing, so let me fill you in:

I found out my placement yesterday, I'm in level 6! Some of the things are a little difficult, but some of them are really easy, so I feel like I'm in the right place. Plus, I love the people in my class. My friends Catherine, Anna, Ricardo, and Kiersten are all in six with me. Yesterday felt extremely long, it was the first day of classes, starting immediately after we found out our level and it was a little chaotic, but, overall, une bonne journée, and who can complain about going to bed at 9 pm? Not me.

Today, more classes. Our schedules are different everyday, which is kind of nice. We switch it up in France. And we have petite pauses pour prendre le café ou le jus d'orange ou fumer. You know, the necessities in life, espresso. We have two two-hour classes du langue everyday, and either one or two classes d'expression orale or lab which are run by the French students here. Mine is named Tiffany and she is just wonderful. She studies French as a Foreign Language and wants to teach in England. She is just dying because she's surrounded by Americans and the Irish and British and she's not allowed to talk to us in English, which she loves to do. It's precious, but I feel her pain. If I was teaching ESL and was surrounded by French students, I would be dying to speak to them in French. Anyway, classes are amazing, and after I went for a walk with a girl I met from Canada, Martina. She's an interesting character, and I do hope she keeps me around. She's from Toronto, but knows nothing of American geography. I had to explain to her where Detroit is... but then she knows Chattanooga TN. Gotta love her. We went for a little walk through the city on our way to le softbar [that will come next, patience.]

Mmm, isn't it just gorgeous? So tonight there was another party, une soirée blanche au softbar, for the CIDEF students. We had to wear white. I am really enjoying these people and the mix of cultures, it's truly a beautiful thing. These are a few of my new beautiful friends.

They are just wonderful. Every last one of them. I'm really happy that this is only day 4 and I can look forward to 3 and a half more weeks with this group before the new students come and my new friends leave. I hope the second batch matches up to the first. They have their work cut out for them.

And I believe I promised you an Ellen Page look-alike.


Is it just me? Aside from eye-color, they are practically identical in person. It blows my mind. She sounds like her and everything. C'est fou. Well, that's all for now friends, à bientôt. Bonne soirée.

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